Because Variety is the Spice

D/O.35 MULTIFARIOUS! a celebration of form, colour, shape, paper, print, paint, themes, subjects, stories and all things Disorder is entering its final week. Disorder Gallery is currently showcasing a rotating collection of artwork from the Disorder Collection, in as many sizes and shapes as we can puzzle together into the enigmatic space behind Door 108, but only until November 16th!

Want to know more about what we have on display? Check out our new ON NOW gallery and just click on any of the images to learn more about the piece and the artist.

Want to see MULTIFARIOUS! for yourself? Visit us during the Sydney East Art Walk on Saturday November 16th from 12-4pm. Explore, engage, and discover seventeen of Sydney's leading Art Galleries and Art Spaces.

Maps will be available in all participating galleries and refreshments will be on hand for all you thirsty walkers. Come get a taste of our spice at Disorder Gallery.
