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Help Disorder artist

Denzel Maple make his next film

Holloway’s Taxidermy.


“A dark comedy based in London during the year of 1666. Prior to the great fire of London, we follow the success and failures of the extravagant mister Holloway and his elegant wife of nobility missus Holloway. As they endeavour to make enterprise out of the first taxidermy business to ever be created. Will the couple thrive and rise through the ranks of British aristocracy or will the dark clouds of a checkered past continue to shroud their horizon.”

If you have the means and an interest in cinema my crew and I would be immensely grateful for any endorsement you can muster!  Every little bit helps.

I am extremely proud of my crews work on our previous film Fools Gold that is nearing completion and with your help we have an opportunity to create something truly unique with this one.

- Denzel Maple