Disorder Gallery is excited to present D/O.44 a selection of sculptural works from artists Dave Teer, Fraser the Razor and Shu Kwan.


Dave Teer

Lift up your head and other common forms

Photographer Stephen Oxenbury

Photographer Stephen Oxenbury

Photographer Stephen Oxenbury

Photographer Stephen Oxenbury

Dave Teer, represented by Defiance Gallery, has been exhibiting works in various solo and group shows since 1998. His work encompasses sculpture, painting, drawing and collage.

Some super heroes are formed,

Some are found.

Some are made of resilient stuff,

Some are lost.

Some super heroes lack momentum,

Some are at peace.

Some yes, are at peace,

Some waste not.

Some super heroes seek idle discourse,

Some fall.

Some run amuck under a hot sun,

Some wait.

Some super hero’s are blessed,

Some slink away.

Some doubt and feel a cruel fate,

Some carry on.

Some super heroes seek four leaf clovers,

Some resist sleep no more.

- Dave Teer


Fraser the Razor

Fraser the Razor The Beautiful & Bizarre Glaucus Atlanticus1.JPG
Fraser the Razor Battler Australian Summer 2019 2020 2.JPG

Fraser the Razor is an emerging sculptor based in Sydney who works mostly in steel. Originally from regional Scotland, Fraser studied in Glasgow before settling in Australia in the early 2000’s. Over the last 4 years Fraser has exhibited in both gallery and outdoor sculpture shows, such as Hidden at Rookwood, Sculpture at Scenic World (satellite show), Art Farm in Tasmania, Artists of Mosman and Small Works at Brunswick Street Gallery in Melbourne. During this time Fraser also secured a couple of artist residencies; the first at The Armory, awarded through Hidden at Rookwood and more recently at Kimbriki Resource Centre.

Early inspiration came from the Memento Mori movement, exploring the haunting, occasionally twisted theme which developed onto more environmental subjects. Fraser uses his work as a connection to both his local surroundings and the broader environment; his work aims to celebrate the bizarre beauties of Australian flora and fauna while highlighting environmental challenges.


Shu has a background in architecture and currently works as a landscape designer. His works have been exhibited in various galleries in Sydney, most recently at Saint Cloche as a finalist in the Little Things Art Prize.

Drawing inspiration from the found and discarded items sourced from construction sites and urban environments, his works aim to recontextualise and transform the idea of what waste is as a by product of our built world in the pursuit of create. The assemblages grow organically and are a response to the materials themselves. Their architectural forms are a reference to the materials previous life which is also reflected in the textures and finishes. The graphic works are my attempts in "closing the loop" in that, like the assemblage pieces, they are the waste of their previous creation.


D/O.44 Dave Teer - Fraser the Razor - Shu Kwan will run from Wednesday October 14th through Saturday October 31st only at Disorder Gallery

We will also hold Meet the Artist events at the gallery each Saturday throughout the exhibition, offering you the chance to chat with each of these wonderful artists. Check in with us on social media for updates and invites.