Adria Castellucci - Verbatim


Adria Castellucci, a self-taught embroidery artist and librarian, invites you to explore Verbatim, an exhibition where threads outline a tale of creativity, history, and self-empowerment.

The history of art often sidelines those who toiled in the background. The names of many print workers responsible for translating original illustrations into woodcuts for early printed books have been lost to the annals of time.

Similarly, the prolific creators of pre-20th century needlework were often relegated to obscurity under the name "creator unknown," as needlework was dismissed as 'women's work' rather than being recognized as a legitimate craft. The focal works of this exhibition breathe life into these hidden narratives.

Adria’s reinterpretation of early modern woodcuts as intricate embroidery does more than just bring these strange and wonderful illustrations out of the pages: it reasserts the legitimacy of hand embroidery as a powerful and genuine artistic medium. Verbatim pays homage to the remarkable artistry of the past, while showcasing the profound influence of Adria’s role as a rare book librarian in shaping her artistic journey.


Join us for Opening Night of D/O.78 Verbatim

November 9th from 5-7pm at Disorder Gallery

Adria’s work will be on display from

November 9th through November 25th at Disorder Gallery